Endpoint security in the cloud: What you need to know

Cloud security is a buzzword in the world of technology these days — but not without good reason. Endpoint security is now one of the major concerns for businesses across the world. With ever-increasing incidents of data thefts and security breaches, it has become essential for companies to use efficient endpoint security for all their endpoints to prevent any loss of data. Security breaches can lead to billions of dollars worth of loss, not to mention the negative press in the business world.

This is why it is vital for companies to use cutting-edge endpoint security technology for their cloud computing systems. If you are working with cloud systems in any capacity, you must also use cloud security to safeguard data breaches.

However, before you develop a good understanding of cloud security, the first and most important step is learning about cloud computing and its essential properties.

What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing can be best described as a range of hosted services offered through the internet. It replaces the need to store all computing infrastructure in a physical server environment, a physical computer or an on-premises data center. Cloud computing works with off-site hardware for hosting different types of services and encompasses software systems and storage solutions.

This flexible cloud model offers a range of strategic benefits for the users, including:

Easy scalability
Quick start deployment
Reduced costs for initial setup and long-term use.

When an organization has extensive privacy and compliance requirements, it can work with hybrid cloud infrastructure, which makes use of both cloud and physical co ..

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