Don’t Get Spooked Into Falling For These Phishing Scams

Halloween season is here, which means carving pumpkins, trick or treating, planning costumes, sneaking the kids’ candy and scary movies, of course. However, one of the scariest threats facing individuals and businesses alike this spooky season is phishing scams. Much like children in costumes coming to the door to ask for candy on Halloween, cybercriminals disguise themselves to trick people into providing information such as usernames and passwords, Social Security numbers and more.

Keeper Security have shared their top tips for avoiding the horrors of hackers this Halloween season:

#1 Urgent language: Phishing attempts will often contain language that displays a sense of urgency. This is because the cybercriminal wants the targeted victim to act as quickly as possible so they don’t second-guess themselves when sending their personal information. 

#2: Discrepancies in email addresses and domain names: Another indicator is if an email claiming to be from a boss, coworker or company, has an email address and domain name that doesn’t match who they claim to be. The email or web address may have a subtle difference, such as an o replaced with a 0 or .com replaced with .net.

#3 Requests for personal information: Sudden requests for personal information are also a common phishing attempt indicator. If you receive an email, text message or phone call from an unknown number claiming to be a company or someone you know, think twice before giving out your personal information– especially if you weren’t the one who initiated the conversation.

#4 Misspellings and grammatical errors: Another common sign of a phishing attempt is when the message includes misspellings and grammatical errors. Before companies send out emails ..

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