Disappearing Act: What Magic Tricks Can Teach CISOs About Malware Prevention

Disappearing Act: What Magic Tricks Can Teach CISOs About Malware Prevention

If chief information security officers (CISOs) could wave a magic wand and make one cybersecurity issue vanish, malware would top the list. From massive growth in destructive malware attacks to steadily rising data breach costs, malware remains a top priority for organizations. If this threat pulled a disappearing act, CISOs would find their jobs significantly less stressful.

Unfortunately, there’s no spell, potion or poultice that will make malware evaporate — but classic magic tricks offer relevant insights for managing this threat vector and delivering improved malware prevention.

Rabbits and Hats — Outwardly Harden Your Enterprise Security

The rabbit in the hat is one of magic’s most venerable tricks. Everyone knows the basics: The hat seems empty and then, suddenly, out of “nowhere,” a rabbit appears. Onlookers know that sleight of hand is the true magic here, but a great performer can make it appear as if they’ve actually managed to break the laws of nature.

What does this mean for cybersecurity? Presentation counts, and onlookers shouldn’t see your magic at work. The best magicians have props that lend gravitas to their act — in cybersecurity, this means laying a solid IT foundation that convinces malicious actors that any attempted breaches would be a waste of time. In law enforcement parlance, it’s called target hardening — the practice of securing businesses and homes by installing window bars, motion-sensing lights and other obvious security clues.

Understandably, CISOs are often so focused on underlying security measures — effective approaches to cybersecurity such as improving visibility, uncovering vulnerabilities and ensuring data veracity — that they ign ..

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