Defense Secretary Approves JADC2 Strategy

Defense Secretary Approves JADC2 Strategy

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin approved the strategy document for the Defense Department’s Joint All-Domain Command and Control concept last month, paving the way to implement technology that shares data between the services to improve the quality and speed of tactical decision-making. 

Lt. Gen. Dennis Crall, the Joint Staff J6 and chief information officer, announced the secretary’s approval Friday in a press briefing. The JADC2 concept aims to connect everything on the battlefield into a global, warfighting communications network that will depend on emerging capabilities such as artificial intelligence and 5G. 

“So in the simplest terms, what the JADC2 strategy does is it does bring order to our efforts in the command and control arena to sense, make sense, and act all at the speed of relevance,” Crall said. 

While the unclassified version of the JADC2 strategy is not yet ready for release, Crall emphasized the strategy designates clear lines of effort that will help unify projects already underway within the services to build out and test capabilities. 

Key to the success of JADC2 is a push for data-centricity, Crall said, which he described as a balancing act between the need to secure that information and the need to share it at speed. Crall also highlighted several initial priorities: standards setting for data, software development, network enhancements, and moving to zero trust cybersecurity architecture

Crall also said identity, credentials and access management is a primary issue. The department needs ICAM solutions in order to set up cloud-based environments where the right data goes to the correct, authenticated user at the appropriate time. 

And on the cloud note, Crall indicate ..

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