CyberSec&AI Connected: Q&A with Roger Dingledine | Avast

CyberSec&AI Connected: Q&A with Roger Dingledine | Avast
Malea Lamb-Hall, 13 August 2020

A key figure at the heart of the debate around online privacy, Dingledine gives us his views on staying safe in the age of Covid

Roger Dingledine is a key figure at the heart of the debate around online privacy. In 2016, Roger co-founded the Tor Project, a highly influential nonprofit that develops free and open-source software to protect people from censorship, tracking and surveillance online.
Today, Roger is president of the project and respected as a leading researcher in the field of online anonymity. He will be a keynote speaker at CyberSec&AI Connected this October — a virtual conference organized by Avast to discuss the latest research and thinking around AI and privacy. We spoke with Roger to preview his talk and get his views on privacy in the age of COVID-19.
Do you think the general public are far more educated around online privacy these days? Or is it for many people still too abstract a concept to worry about?
When we first started working on Tor in the early 2000s, one of the challenges was getting people to care about privacy. But after the Snowden revelations and the Cambridge Analytica scandal, and more recently the outrage about Silicon Valley pushing facial recognition technologies, I think we've turned a corner.
The general public now understands that privacy is about who you are as a human being: it's all the data that defines you, and how dangerous that can be if abused.
The challenge now is to build real solutions, that scale to help everybody around the world, that protect us from both over-reaching companies and over-reaching governments, and th ..

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