Can a private internet co-exist with the internet we know?

The security industry has always dreamed about an impenetrable internet where threats are neutralized and attackers cannot thrive. Many have tried to conceptualize this theory into reality, but for the time being, it remains a dream.

But one company, Dark Cryptonite, has already created this infrastructure.

If you’re still dreaming of a world where the internet is inherently secure, keep dreaming. That probably won’t come to fruition in our lifetime. But what if the internet as we know it can co-exist with an alternate internet? What would the impact be on business and the cybersecurity industry?

For one, the security industry would have to think differently about the tools and solutions we use. If this secure network infrastructure gained widespread adoption, everyone would need to find a way to balance it with today’s internet and continue to leverage current security solutions.

How would this all work?

Reengineering the cybersecurity framework

Dark Cryptonite’s co-founder, Tyler Cohen Wood, has extensive experience in special comms from her tenure with the Defense Intelligence Agency. In the context of cyber defense, “special comms” or “special communications” refer to secure, encrypted or otherwise protected communication channels that transmit sensitive information. Broadly speaking, special comms can also refer to any non-standard communication methods used for specific purposes or in specific situations. In a military context, special comms could refer to covert communication methods used for espionage or reconnaissance.

Throughout her time there, Wood realized that traditional methods of defense were increasingly inadequate as attackers continued to target the essential infrastructure of digital conne ..

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