Bitluni Brings All the ESP-32 Multimedia Hacks to Supercon

Bitluni Brings All the ESP-32 Multimedia Hacks to Supercon

Of all the people I was looking forward to meeting at Supercon, aside from my Hackaday colleagues with whom I had worked for five years without ever meeting, was a fellow from Germany named Matthias Balwierz. The name might not ring a bell, but he’ll certainly be familiar to Hackaday readers as Bitluni, the sometimes goofy but always entertaining and enlightening face of “Bitluni’s Lab” on YouTube.

I’d been covering Bitluni’s many ESP32 hacks over the years, and had struck up a correspondence with him, swapping ideas and asking for advice on the many projects I start but somehow never finish. Luckily for us, Bitluni is far better on follow-through than I am, and he brought that breadth and depth of experience to the Design Lab stage for that venue’s last talk of the 2019 Superconference, before the party moved next door for the badge-hacking presentations.

In his talk and in the many experiments that went into it, Bitluni makes a great case for the ESP32 being the perfect chip for audio and video applications, and so much more. With its dual-core microprocessor – or three if you count the ultra-low-power coprocessor – and 520 kiB of SRAM, the Espressif chip is really a remarkable beast, but as Bitluni points out, there’s even more under the hood, much of which he’s learned to put to good use with his projects.

Take this ESP-32 X-Y display, the first Bitluni build that caught our attention back in 2017. Even back then Bitluni was stretching what the chip could do; when he found that the onboard DACs weren’t fast enough to do what he wanted, he played wit ..

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