Beware the three-finger-salute, or 'How I Got The Keys To The Kingdom'

Beware the three-finger-salute, or 'How I Got The Keys To The Kingdom'

With great power comes great irresponsibility

Friday is upon us, and with it another On Call story from those poor souls who have to answer the phone when everything goes wrong. Not all heroes wear capes and, as we'll see, remember to ward their Linux servers from an enthusiastic boss.

"Hans" is the contributor of today's tale, and his story takes place some 15 years ago, the era of the Friends finale, Shrek 2 and, of course, Shaun of the Dead.

In what will be a familiar story for many readers, Hans was the one-man-band IT department for a rapidly growing business. "When I started," he told us, "it was like 400 employees. Five years later it was 1,200."

Naturally, IT resourcing didn't keep pace with the business's growth.

Hans was ..

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