Automated remediation level 3: Governance and hygiene

Automated remediation level 3: Governance and hygiene

Mold it, make it, just don’t fake it

At a quick glance, it seems like the title of this blog is “government hygiene.” Most likely, that wouldn’t be a particularly exciting read, but we’re hoping you might be engaged enough to gain a few takeaways from this fourth piece in our series on automating remediation and how it can benefit your team and cost center.

The best way to mold a solution that makes sense for your company and cloud security is by adding actions that cause the fewest deviations in your day-to-day operations. Of course, there are several best-practice use cases that can make sense for your organization. Let’s take a look at a few so you can decide which one(s) work(s) for you.

Environment enforcement

Sandboxes are designed to be safe spaces, so they should also be clean spaces. As Software Development Life Cycles (SDLC) accelerate and security posture moves increasingly left into the hands of the developers spinning things up, it’s important to not only isolate and lock down your sandbox space, but to create a repeat cleaning schedule. Your software release cycle can also act as regularly scheduled sandbox maintenance.

No exemptions for expensive instances

Spinning up instances that suck up resources from other critical applications can cost you. Sometimes they’re necessary, often they’re not. Whether it’s by cost, family type, or hardware specs, continuous monitoring is key so that even when unnecessarily resource-intensive processes aren’t automatically killed, you still have a good idea of what’s costing too much time and too much money. automated remediation level governance hygiene