Albanian police tighten security, conduct checks at the Iranian opposition compound

Albanian police tighten security, conduct checks at the Iranian opposition compound

Albanian police returned to the Iranian opposition, People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran (MEK) compound near Durres on Thursday, just over a week since a full-scale raid to seize computers and servers resulted in clashes with residents and multiple injuries.

The MEK is an Iranian opposition military organisation that advocates the overthrow of the current regime in Tehran. After being forced out of Iran, the organisation was relocated to Camp Ashraf, Iraq, near the Iranian border in 1985 and sided with Iraq during the Iran-Iraq War.

In 1992, it carried out attacks against Iranian embassies in 13 countries and was designated a terrorist organisation by the US, Canada, EU, UK and Japan for its use of terror tactics. This status was removed during the 2000s, and its members were relocated to Albania and France.

On Tuesday last week, the State Police and special forces entered the premises to conduct a search, resulting in a serious clash as residents refused to hand over computer equipment.

Police were spotted outside the compound on Thursday, stopping and searching any vehicle that entered or exited the premises. Police sources for local media said the checks are being carried out to ensure that no more computer equipment is brought into the camp to continue the work they are suspected of carrying out.

Several former camp members have given interviews to Albanian media to tell of their experience in the camp. Ibrahimi said he was a part of MEK for 17 years and was not allowed to meet with their own family members during that time.

“I want to say that my name is Ibrahim Muradi, I spent 17 years in the MEK. When family members came to MEK to meet us, we threw stones at them. I didn ..

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