A hacker’s predictions on enterprise malware risk - Help Net Security

A hacker’s predictions on enterprise malware risk - Help Net Security

2020 has ended with a stunning display of nation-state cyber capabilities. The Kremlin’s SVR shocked the cybersecurity industry and U.S. government with its intrusions into FireEye and the U.S. Office of the Treasury by way of SolarWinds, revealing only traces of its long-term, sophisticated campaigns.

These breaches are reminders that no organization is immune to cyber risk or to hacking. Every company is subject to the same reality: compromise is inevitable.

While many companies are not likely to directly face nation-state attacks, the threat landscape is steadily changing, forcing security programs of all sizes to remain agile and resilient. The pandemic changed our way of life so quickly that IT infrastructure drastically shifted to keep up and this changed the shape of organizations’ attack surfaces.

Unfortunately, malicious adversaries were there to expl ..

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