9 Best Practices from X-Force Red for Organizations and Employees

9 Best Practices from X-Force Red for Organizations and Employees

As employers rapidly respond to the need to protect their workforces from potential exposure and spread of the novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, many organizations are making the very difficult decision to pivot to a work-from-home model. This means employees will be connecting to corporate networks from whichever device is available: laptops, phones, tablets and even smart watches.

In response to the rapidly developing outbreak, many healthcare organizations are also expanding their use of “telehealth” treatment, which means they are using mobile devices when setting up triage and mobile COVID-19 testing sites. They are also using devices to help manage the larger than normal patient loads and provide treatment in parts of hospital facilities not normally used for patient care.

While technology is enabling this new way of life and helping to prevent things from coming to a screeching halt, it is also critical to consider the relevant security posture — not just of the devices themselves, but also of the highly sensitive data flowing through them.

For business information security officers (BISOs), chief information security officers (CISOs) and IT leaders, when supporting efforts to move into this new model or expanding existing remote work policies, guidance and communication cybersecurity hygiene best practices for all staff and employees working remotely is very important.

As a security professional, one of the things you always have to be thinking about is what’s going to happen in an emergency. There are already numerous comparisons that say cyber security is like being in a knife fight with one arm tied behind your back. Now, you are losing the ability to see what your people are doing as effectively. It’s like adding a blindfold to the fight.

With cancellations and closures, many organizati ..

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