My PC running Windows 10 was recently hacked!

My PC running Windows 10 was recently hacked!

First, I apologize if I am not posting in the correct forum. I don't know whether or not my PC has a virus/malware/etc. but I do know that I was hacked recently. I believe that the hacker figured out my IP address along with my outlook/old gmail account log-in as well as my steam login. I deleted my gmail account and erased all the data. I also changed my outlook and steam passwords to more secure ones. 

I actually needed to do a factory reset this morning and I noticed that after resetting everything, I am unable to even see the option to switch from a PIN login to a password login within the sign in options menu? Why is this?

I know that I could make the PIN really long like a password, but I would just rather activate the password login option, which it seems I am unable to do. Do I need to sign in first with a security key (my Windows 10 USB stick?) once before I can activate the password login option because I just did a factory reset or is this unnecessary?

I changed my current outlook email password to something much more complicated and harder to hack, but I am still not sure if the hacker is able to hack into my PC anytime he/she wants because he/she might know my IP address?

I have been doing various netstat/task manager checks and before my factory reset, I did some system scans using the free version of Malwarebytes, which came up with nothing as well.

If a hacker knows my IP address, is there anything I can do to block them permanently from hacking my system? I noticed t ..

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