Mr and Mrs CISO: Security in the Age of the Lockdown

Mr and Mrs CISO: Security in the Age of the Lockdown
With so many of us frantically learning to juggle our roles as parents, workers and most recently teachers; is it just my wife and I who feel it necessary to monitor the online activity of our teenagers during this lockdown? Sure, there’s rich educational content out there, but it sits amongst social networks, streaming services, gaming consoles and a world of other distractions. I almost miss the days when staring out of the window was a reasonable ‘get out’! In 2020 the preoccupations come thick and fast, so much so that the average parent is duty bound to tighten the technological reigns in the home. And that’s not necessarily an easy sell.To set the scene, I’m a security evangelist, right through to my DNA. A techie who loves all the convenience and potential that technology has to offer. I truly believe it’s a blessing. When used responsibly and with the right controls, of course!Like so many, I live in a smart home, with smart devices and smart kids. And whilst having a broad technical background is pretty much a pre-requisite to be a security consultant, it’s a source of constant frustration for my two teenage boys. You see, with our heads and hearts in alignment, my wife and I pretty much control everything they do; from a technological perspective that is.Does this give them comfort? Are they forever grateful for our love and concern? Er, no, you’d think we were making them study by candlelight.Yet it isn’t our ‘keeping an eye on them’ that’s the hassle. It’s very similar to the safeguarding we put in place for employees. No, the devil is in the detail of convincing, educating and then convincing again. And in my experience, this isn’t a far cry from the reactio ..

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