Monsoon - Fast HTTP Enumerator

Monsoon - Fast HTTP Enumerator

A fast HTTP enumerator that allows you to execute a large number of HTTP requests, filter the responses and display them in real-time.

ExampleRun an HTTP GET request for each entry in filenames.txt, hide all responses with the status code 403 or 404:


Building from sourceThese instructions will get you a compiled version of the code in the master branch.You'll need a recent version of the Go compiler, at least version 1.11. For Debian, install the package golang-go.Clone the repository, then from within the checkout run the following command:

$ go build
Afterwards you'll find a monsoon binary in the current directory. It can be for other operating systems as follows:$ GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -o monsoon.exe
Unofficial PackagesFor Arch Linux based distributions monsoon is available as an unofficial package on the AUR. Using your AUR helper of choice such as yay:
yay -S monsoon
Getting HelpThe program has several subcommands, the most important one is fuzz which contains the main functionality. You can display a list of commands as follows:$ ./monsoon -h
Usage: monsoon command [options] Available Commands: fuzz Execute ..

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