Metasploit Wrap-Up 03/15/2024

Metasploit Wrap-Up 03/15/2024

New module content (3)

GitLab Password Reset Account Takeover

Authors: asterion04 and h00die
Type: Auxiliary
Pull request: #18716 contributed by h00die
Path: admin/http/gitlab_password_reset_account_takeover
AttackerKB reference: CVE-2023-7028

Description: This adds an exploit module that leverages an account-take-over vulnerability to take control of a GitLab account without user interaction. The vulnerability lies in the password reset functionality as it’s possible to provide two email addresses so that
the reset code will be sent to both. It is therefore possible to provide the email
address of the target account as well as that of one we control, and to reset the password.

MinIO Bootstrap Verify Information Disclosure

Authors: RicterZ and joel <joel @ ndepthsecurity>
Type: Auxiliary
Pull request: #18775 contributed by 6a6f656c
Path: gather/minio_bootstrap_verify_info_disc
AttackerKB reference: CVE-2023-28432

Description: This adds an auxiliary module that leverages an information disclosure (CVE-2023-28432) in a cluster deployment of MinIO versions from RELEASE.2019-12-17T23-16-33Z and prior to RELEASE.2023-03-20T20-16-18Z. This retrieves all environment variables, including MINIO_SECRET_KEY and MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD.

JetBrains TeamCity Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution

Author: sfewer-r7
Type: Exploit
Pull request: #18922 contributed by sfewer-r7
Path: multi/ht ..

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