Merging DevOps and SecOps is a Great Idea: Get Started Now

In the past, developers created the software, and security teams made it secure. But now, agile organizations are baking security into software from the very start.

DevSecOps (development, security and operations) is a framework designed to automate security integration during the entire software development and deployment process. The DevSecOps concept is a necessary replacement for the old approach of adding security elements after the development cycle by a separate team.

DevSecOps enables security professionals to share cybersecurity responsibility with developers and IT teams.

The Ever-Growing Complexity of IT and Cybersecurity

The only constant in technology is change. And without clear and strategic planning, change always moves in the direction of higher complexity.

Take tool sprawl, for example. This occurs when tools are so many, specialized and disparate that it takes more time and money to manage the tools than the value returned by them.

This often happens as teams add specialized tools without real planning or integration over time to solve specific problems. Budget constraints can also prevent the adoption of integrated tools from the start. 

Data silos often emerge with tool sprawl. With different tools holding different data, three things can happen. First, data duplication means wasted time and effort in sorting through the data. Second, gaps in data emerge, where no one tool is actually capturing some data. And third, the total amount of data and the differing interfaces for processing it can create a needless sense of data overload for the staff. Understandably, this contributes to burnout.

Tool sprawl can create a quiet, ongoing disaster. It can reduce the rate of innovation and disincentivize security staff fr ..

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