Measuring the Effectiveness of AI in the SOC

Measuring the Effectiveness of AI in the SOC

In a previous blog post, I covered some of the challenges encountered by security operations centers (SOCs) and how leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) can help alleviate these challenges, including the cybersecurity skills shortage, unaddressed security risks and long dwell times. According to ISACA’s State of Cybersecurity Report, 78 percent of respondents expect the demand for technical cybersecurity roles to increase in the future. The report also mentions that the effects of the skills shortage are going to get worse.

This is where AI can step in and help lighten the load considerably.

Justify Your Spend

During a time of tight budgets and IT spend, there is no doubt that any new expenditures must have solid business justifications. When considering any new security initiatives or solutions, it’s imperative that its improvements help with business-critical decision-making. Further, if your organization is going to leverage a new AI tool (or any new solution or approach) there has to be a way to confirm that the new method clearly outperforms the old.

Typically, you will need to be able to clearly demonstrate these performance improvements in the business world and deliver reports to several different stakeholders who each look at different metrics based on their roles. Below are some guidelines to consider when establishing or reassessing performance metrics when implementing an AI solution to bolster your organization’s security.

Establish Realistic Metrics

You may already have an idea of what metrics you’d like to evaluate. If not, then now is a good tim ..

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