Marred by garbage: Striking a balance for security data - Help Net Security

Marred by garbage: Striking a balance for security data - Help Net Security

Security applications are subject to the age-old computing axiom of “garbage in, garbage out.” To work effectively, they need the right data. Too much irrelevant data may overwhelm the processing and analytics of solutions and the results they deliver. Too little, and they may miss something crucial. It’s mainly a question of relevance, volume and velocity.

How much data?

One of the most central questions, then, is how much data is enough? What is the correct balance? This is an issue that should not merely be reached through a compromise, but instead represent the optimal level of what is needed. Understanding this level is not merely a question of amount of data but also one of how the data will be used, the level or granularity of the data, the processing performed by the solution and the quality of algorithms or machine learni ..

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