Malware Intelligence Dashboards

Anomali Threat Research has released two, Malware Intelligence focused dashboards to assist cybersecurity and cyber threat intelligence professionals in organizing IOCs and strategic intelligence on relevant threats. These two dashboards are titled:

Malware Intelligence - Ransomware
Malware Intelligence - Remote Access Tools and Trojans

Ransomware and remote access tools and trojans are malware types used by threat actors spanning all levels of sophistication, from cybercriminal to advanced persistent threat to nation-state. Ransomware threat actors continue to be highly active and generate significant amounts of illicit funds, and learning more about how these threat actors operate can assist in taking proactive measures against such attacks.

Remote access tools are persistently abused by threat actors for malicious purposes. Knowing which tools the actors use and how they are used is important when making cybersecurity decisions to protect against this malware type; among numerous other variables.

These Malware Intelligence dashboards help amalgamate relevant information into a centralized location to assist in providing crucial contextual information in addition to the most recent IOCs made available through commercial and open-source threat feeds that users manage on ThreatStream.

Dashboards in ThreatStream provide a quick, digestible and timely source of key metrics on threat intelligence indicators. In ThreatStream you can access a number of different dashboard types: standard dashboards available out of the box; themed dashboards developed by the Anomali Threat Research Team; custom dashboards defined by by you; and specialized dashboards to support our Intelligence Initiatives or Lens+ specific data. From this month we greatly improve how an individual user can organize their dashboard views, enabling them to easily hide or show any dashboards available to them. Users show or hide any of the standard dashboards, as well as up to 10 other dashboards at any time. Management ..

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