Keebin’ with Kristina: the One With the 200% Typewriter

Keebin’ with Kristina: the One With the 200% Typewriter

Image by [jefmer] via Hackaday.IOYou know, the really sad truth about cyberdecks and cyberdeck-adjacent builds is that many of them just end up on the shelf, collecting dust while waiting for the dystopian future. Well, not this one. No, [jefmer] says their Portable Pi sees daily use, and even comes along on the go.

Since [jefmer] is “temperamentally unsuited to 3D printing”, the Pi 4B and its accessories are nestled in a rugged, splash-proof case under some acrylic sheets. One of those accessories, the keyboard, is a KPrepublic BM40 with Gateron Yellows. In order to get used to the number and symbols layer, [jefmer] laid down some great-looking labels above the keyboard.

Although the build started with an SD card for storage, [jefmer] has since upgraded to a 120 GB SSD. This required a beefy battery pack, but the difference is that it gets around four hours of power versus five hours when using an SD card.

Young Typewriter Repairman Is In High Demand

Lucas Dul in his Downers Grove, IL repair shop. Image via Chicago Sun-Times

It’s a sad state of affairs — most people think that typewriters are going the way of the buggy whip, if they haven’t already. But don’t try to tell that to Lucas Dul of Downers Grove, IL. He’s got a backlog of 70 writers, artists, and collectors keebin kristina typewriter