Kali Linux team releases Kaboxer, a tool for managing applications in containers - Help Net Security

Kali Linux team releases Kaboxer, a tool for managing applications in containers - Help Net Security

The team behind the popular pentesting Kali Linux distro has released Kaboxer, a tool to help penetration testers use older applications that don’t work on modern operating systems, apps that need to run in isolation, and applications that are hard to package properly.

The team has already “Kaboxed” several apps, including Firefox Developer Edition (as an example of how the tool works for a complex large GUI application) and Zenmap (the official Nmap GUI, as an example of an app that relies on deprecated libraries not available in Kali Linux).

“We hope to start to include more tools into Kali Linux that were previously not packable, and have you not realize that you are using them via Kaboxer,” the team noted.

About Kaboxer

linux releases kaboxer managing applications containers security