It's time to tap the next generation of cyber defenders - Help Net Security

It's time to tap the next generation of cyber defenders - Help Net Security

As college graduates of the Class of 2020 enter the workforce, we welcome a new generation of cyber professionals. Already this year’s crop of talent has demonstrated their work ethic in a virtual environment under unprecedented circumstances while exercising their skills through practical offerings such as the National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (NCCDC). What sets many of them apart from their more tenured counterparts is that they have experienced and successfully performed while facing real-world threats even before earning their degree.

Next generation of cyber defenders

It’s estimated there are 3.9 million college graduates in the U.S. who will earn a degree during the 2019-2020 academic year, an increase of nearly 6 million students compared to five years ago. In tandem with this uptick in college graduates, the need for cybersecurity tale ..

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