IoT Security: Protecting Food and Agriculture Organizations

Ransomware actors are targeting food and agriculture organizations, potentially disrupting business. Luckily, there are already formal structures in place to boost the IoT security defenses they need. Knowing them keeps the lifeblood of industrial farms and food delivery going. Businesses in the sector could “suffer significant financial loss,” the FBI said. That loss is “resulting from ransom payments, loss of productivity and remediation costs.” They could also lose customer trust along the way.

In mid-October, a dairy company suffered a ransomware attack that took down its systems. The attack jumped from the digital realm to disrupt plants and distribution centers. It took about a week to restore affected tasks. In September, a Minnesota-based farm supply and grain marketing cooperative suffered a ransomware attack, reported Threatpost. The incident knocked its website offline, infected its computer systems and disrupted daily production.

Ransomware actors struck another agriculture group around the same time, which affected the company’s devices and systems. In response, the group took its systems offline to contain the threat.

Which IoT Security Issues Harm This Sector?

According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, some of the most prevalent security issues in the food and agriculture sector can be sorted based on t ..

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