IoT Security in the Time of the Coronavirus

IoT Security in the Time of the Coronavirus

What does Internet of Things (IoT) Security mean in the time of the coronavirus? Has the virus changed anything in how cybersecurity experts approach IoT devices? How should you evolve your own strategies in response? 

Let’s get the obvious out of the way: IoT security remains precarious even in the time of the coronavirus. Researchers found around 7 billion IoT devices, with evidence suggesting it might rise by several billion more items in a few years. Unfortunately, each new IoT device creates new vulnerabilities for businesses of all sizes.

Almost all IoT manufacturers struggle with or outright ignore cybersecurity protocols. In fact, most IoT devices contain no endpoint security firmware whatsoever. Worse, even if they do contain some kind of firmware, patching or updating it may prove difficult if not impossible. 

Of course, hackers take advantage of these vulnerabilities almost constantly. After all, they provide a gateway into the business network with little resistance. Additionally, cybersecurity monitoring often struggles to find and observe IoT device activity, leading to opportunities to plant dwelling devices. 

That’s the current situation. Perhaps more accurately, that was the situation a few months ago. With the coronavirus continuing to affect business processes, the threat landscape continues to evolve rapidly. 

IoT Security in the Time of the Coronavirus

A Ponemon Institute study found that 87 percent of respondents said they would suffer a cyber attack due to unsecured IoT devices. Worse, 26 percent of risk management and governan ..

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