Improve Your Online Data Protection in a Couple of Steps

Improve Your Online Data Protection in a Couple of Steps

In the past 20 years, we witnessed a rapid development of technology. Today, we use computers and mobile devices to do many different things. We pay our bills, order products, save our thoughts, and do various other actions with our devices.

All of these actions generate a lot of personal data. This information is often the target of cybercriminals. At the same time, various companies like to gather user data to bombard them with ads and other promotional materials. Thus, the ultimate debate on privacy rises, with many people struggling to cope with subtle privacy violations all around them.

The more you know your information is being collected when you’re using various services, the more protection you will want, simple as that. Luckily, there are easy ways you can do this. So, let’s start.

Tighten up your passwords

It might sound like a no-brainer, but we all tend to relax and stop caring about passwords. However, these passwords might be the only things keeping hackers from accessing our profiles and stealing personal data.

Creating strong passwords is a must, and you should never forget just how important this is.  We all get too comfortable from time to time. This is especially true if your data was never compromised in one way or another.

Create long passwords: a combination of 14 characters is considered relatively safe. Combine symbols, numbers, and both lowercase and uppercase letters. Also, make sure to use a different password for each account you have.

Also, there are a variety of tools today that can be used to store and save passwords. Some other ..

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