Imperva Data Privacy protects and reports on personal data across all data assets - Help Net Security

Imperva Data Privacy protects and reports on personal data across all data assets - Help Net Security

Imperva introduces a new data privacy solution to help organizations discover, identify and protect personal data in any on-prem, cloud, hybrid and multi-cloud environment.

It has been years since the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was first introduced. Over that period, concerns over personal data privacy and security have grown dramatically and individuals worldwide are exercising their rights on how organizations handle their personal data.

Today, more than 107 countries have enacted data privacy or protection laws including the right to be forgotten, the right to know what data they have, the right to rectify errors, and the right to port personal data. For organizations that operate in multiple jurisdictions, managing Data Subject Access Requests (DSAR) is a daunting operational ch ..

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