Immersive HazMat Virtual Reality Training

Every emergency call received by a fire department could mean life or death. This reality is further amplified for firefighters who possess specialized expertise in handling hazardous materials, commonly referred to as HazMat. Consider a scenario where a HazMat team is called to investigate a report of gas odor in a home. The team conducts an air monitoring check but finds no trace of gas. Just because they do not detect noxious gasses at first inspection, does that mean they can declare the situation safe? Not necessarily. The invisible danger of some gasses, which can be heavier than air or take a long time to detect, could be lurking low to the floor -- a factor that even experienced HazMat workers might miss.

Given this risk, there's an evident need for thorough HazMat training. One tool designed to address this is HazVR, developed by Jason Jerald and his team at NextGen Interactions, with an aim to change the approach towards HazMat training. Developed under the Public Safety Innovation Accelerator Program (PSIAP) Follow-on Funding for Technical and Business Assistance (TABA) and Demonstration Projects award, HazVR offers a virtual, live-action platform designed for HazMat instructors and students to practice air monitoring, simulating real incident sites. Its simulations are designed to give realistic meter responses and visualize typically invisible gasses. Early testing of HazVR has shown it can provide HazMat workers with accelerated experience accumulation, aiming to increase preparedness and reduce risks.

HazVR demo as part of a focus group at the Keeter Training Center in Raleigh, NC.

HazMat training is a ..

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