I already have Windows Defender – why do I need another antimalware tool?

I already have Windows Defender – why do I need another antimalware tool?

When Microsoft released Windows 8.1 it also included a free anti-malware tool called Windows Defender. Windows Defender now ships with every new Windows PC as standard, offering malware detection and a software firewall to keep your computer clean and virus-free.

So does Windows Defender make standalone anti-malware software like Panda Dome unnecessary? Not quite.

Infrequent updates

Windows Defender does a reasonably good job of detecting and removing malware that may have been installed on your computer. It also includes some reporting on PC performance and health along with parental controls and content filtering.

However, tests suggest that Defender is behind the curve. Application updates can be infrequent, allowing viruses to escape unnoticed until it is too late. A dedicated, paid-for antivirus application updates multiple times every day to improve detection and reduce the risk of your computer being compromised.

Limited content controls

Microsoft Windows Defender offers parental controls to protect your kids from harmful, adult content. Unfortunately these controls only apply to the Microsoft Edge web browser – any other software (Chrome, Firefox, Opera etc) will not be filtered, so bad content may still sneak through.

You can achieve a greater degree of control using a full-featured application like Panda Dome Family which filters all network traffic. You can use any web browser you like, safely.

Limited security functionality

Cybercriminals use a range of techniques to break into your computer – malware is just one of their tools. They may use compromised websites to download viruses or hijack your internet connection for use in already windows defender another antimalware