How to Run USB Rubber Ducky Scripts on a Super Inexpensive Digispark Board

How to Run USB Rubber Ducky Scripts on a Super Inexpensive Digispark Board

The USB Rubber Ducky is a famous attack tool that looks like a USB flash drive but acts like a keyboard when plugged into any unlocked device. The Ducky Script language used to control it is simple and powerful, and it works with Arduino and can run on boards like the ultra-cheap Digispark board.

If you don't care about some of the fancier features of the USB Rubber Ducky, like the ability to change the firmware and its regular thumb drive look, the Digispark is a great way to get started writing your own payloads. Whether you have experience with Arduino or writing Ducky Scripts, it's easy to build your payloads to do whatever you want to a target computer when it's plugged into an open USB port.

Digispark vs. USB Rubber Ducky

While the $50 USB Rubber Ducky changed the way hackers thought about USB drives, the basic concept is a relatively simple one. By acting as an interface device and typing in commands very quickly, we can take advantage of the fact that the computer will trust input from a "keyboard." Because of this, we can type in a bunch of trusted commands quickly, making a few seconds of physical access all we need to backdoor most computers.

Image by Kody/Null Byte

The USB Rubber Ducky has another feature that can't be underestimated: stealth. Looking like a rubber ducky scripts super inexpensive digispark board