How to Conduct Wireless Recon on Bluetooth, Wi-Fi & GPS with Sparrow-wifi

If you're ever in a situation where you need to take a peek at the wireless spectrum, whether it's for Bluetooth or Wi-Fi devices, there's a fascinating Python 3-based tool called Sparrow-wifi you should check out. It's cross-platform, easy to use, and has an impressive GUI that shows you the signal strength of nearby devices.

Sparrow-wifi, branded as a "next-generation" analysis tool for wireless reconnaissance and surveillance, is simple to install. There's just a bunch of Python libraries you need, and then no matter what system you're on, it should be pretty easy to use. It works great on a Raspberry Pi, and just as good on Kali Linux.

What You Could Do with Sparrow-Wifi

Ghostop14 created Sparrow-wifi to be installed on a Raspberry Pi attached to a drone or rover for war-flying or wardriving use cases. It was even tested out on a 3DR Solo aerial drone, and you can read more about their experience using Sparrow-wifi on Raspberry Pi and drone on the GitHub page. We'll just be using it on a Kali Linux system running on a laptop, but it'll be similar for a Pi-based project.

Before getting into using Sparrow-wifi, it's good to show what all it can do. Being a "next-generation 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Wifi spectral awareness tool," it has Wi-Fi capabilities, a software-defined radio, advanced Bluetooth options, and GPS capabilities (which can also ..

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