How human bias impacts cybersecurity decision making - Help Net Security

How human bias impacts cybersecurity decision making - Help Net Security

The human brain is a fantastic machine, but we’re all subject to cognitive bias and reasoning errors – and cybersecurity pros are no exception.

In a newly released report, Dr Margaret Cunningham, psychologist and Principal Research Scientist at Forcepoint, examined six universal unconscious human biases, how they can influence cybesecurity decision making, and urges infosec pros and leaders to make an effort to overcome them.

Inconvenient cognitive biases

Our days are filled with decision making: when should we wake up, what will we eat, what will we wear, what tasks we need to complete and how, should we meet with friends, and so on and so forth. Most of these decisions are made on “autopilot” – quickly, without thinking much about it, and based on our own preferences, intuition, or past experiences.

But some decisions require more effort to gain a clear lo ..

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