How Cyber Security Is Influencing The Mobile Web Design Industry

How Cyber Security Is Influencing The Mobile Web Design Industry

Most of us spend a lot of time surfing the Internet for work, studying, or just relaxing after a long day. As of 2019, about 52.6% of global website traffic belonged to smartphones.

While scrolling through all the information on your mobile phone is quite convenient, it may be equally unsafe. Unfortunately, cybercrimes are more common than you may think. As per the Annual Crime Survey by Gallup in 2018, one in every four Americans has suffered from cybercrime in their life.   

Whether you like it or not, whenever you visit the World Wide Web, you leave an imprint behind. This may be the cookies that the site stores, or the personal information that you enter in forms and surveys.

The data stored on the websites may be at risk if security measures aren’t taken during the website design process. This makes the website vulnerable to hackers who can easily hack the users’ personal information for their gain. Moreover, an unsafe website may spread malware and send spam.

So is there a way that stringent cyber security gets integrated into mobile web design?

You may scroll through a website on your phone without giving it a second thought; however, A LOT of work goes into making sure the website design offers convenience, comfort, and excellent user experience. Moreover, with the vast amount of cyber threats lurking around, the website design must also incorporate protection and functionality.


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