How Chatbots Can Help Bridge Business Continuity and Cybersecurity

How Chatbots Can Help Bridge Business Continuity and Cybersecurity

A quick web search for “chatbots and security” brings up results warning you about the security risks of using these virtual agents. Dig a little deeper, however, and you’ll find that this artificial intelligence (AI) technology could actually help address many work-from-home cybersecurity challenges — such as secure end-to-end encryption and user authentication — and ensure that your organization continues to prove its data privacy compliance with less direct oversight.

While many companies rely on chatbots to answer customer questions or step through a process, that same service can be used to help employees connect with security professionals as they work remotely, allowing many security problems to be resolved as efficiently as they would be if the security team were able to come directly to their colleagues’ desks.

Remote Work Has Been on the Rise

Between 2005 and 2018, the number of remote workers grew by 173 percent, 11 percent faster than the rest of the workforce, according to Global Workplace Analytics. And as more employees and management experience the benefits of working from home, more people will demand the opportunity.

Employers know that business continuity is possible when the workforce is doing their jobs remotely. While some workers may find that they are more efficient in a formal workplace setting, others may need more flexibility. Chief information security officers (CISOs) and cybersecurity professionals will have to get creative about how they address work-from-home security issues, such as the need to ensure that employees are using authorized devices and applications or mitigating phishing scams, often while they are working remotely themselves.

Chatbots could be one way f ..

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