How and Why to Take a Holistic Approach to Threat Modeling

How and Why to Take a Holistic Approach to Threat Modeling

By taking a broader, more expansive view of threat modeling, organizations can consider the whole picture of their security strategy and improve efficiency. Threat modeling is a systematic approach to finding, prioritizing and fixing security threats, but it can be much more. It invites an exercise in systematic collaborative thinking, and as such its benefits go beyond tangible security fixes.

There are many great approaches to threat modeling, the taxonomy and descriptions of which are beyond the scope of this article. Simply put, the standard approach to threat modeling involves listing possible threats (along with possible threat actors, including employees), ranking them according to probability of exploitation and cost to the organization based on an understanding of the organization’s hackable assets and associating the highest-priority threats with the best actions that could protect against them.

 Potential Benefits of Threat Modeling  

1. It educates and informs all involved. Threat modeling done right brings together security teams, operations and developers to minimize vulnerability to cyber attacks. This is a learning exercise for everyone.

2. It helps with budgeting.The practice of threat modeling involves prioritizing threats and estimating their cost to the organization, as well as identifying the protections against those threats. That provides powerful data for the cost-benefit analysis in the budgeting process. 

3. It’s a communication process and results in further tools for communication. Through the ongoing collaboration needed among leaders on the problems and specifics of threat modeling, each leader learns from the others. They all gain experience in developing a set of documents for the communication of security practices for the whole organizatio ..

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