How AI Will Transform Data Security

I’ve often wondered whether artificial intelligence (AI) in cybersecurity is a good thing or a bad thing for data security. Yes, I love the convenience of online stores suggesting the perfect items for me based on my search history, but other times it feels a bit creepy to have a pair of shoes I looked at stalking me around the internet. But I’ve realized as a consumer that the answer is a little bit of both. 

I’ve recently been researching and writing on the increase of AI-based attacks. In brief, the premise of AI is the quick analysis of large amounts of data and then using the data to make predictions. I learned that both the good guys and the bad guys can use AI. What does that mean for the future of data security? 

Does AI Increase Data Security Threats?

Judging by how threat attackers use AI, the short answer is yes, AI increases threats. When cyber criminals rely on human intelligence, they mostly manually find the vulnerabilities, even if they are using tools. By using AI, they can automate the process of environment analysis and more quickly find its weaknesses. Essentially, AI makes attacks smarter and more accurate. Because AI depends on data to become smarter, threat actors can use data collected from previous attempts to predict vulnerabilities or spot changes in victims’ data security.

Three common attacks are evasion attacks, poisoning attacks and privacy attacks. During evasion attacks, the malicious content evades detection by changing codes at test time. While poisoning attacks focus on changing data sets, privacy attacks retrieve sensitive data. Each of these atta ..

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