Hiding Spam with uBlock Origins

My uBlock Rule by the end of the video, definitely change the bad words:
! Twitter Bad Words
twitter.com##[data-testid="cellInnerDiv"]:has-text(/ the | and | or /i)
! Discover more / More Tweets - Conversation view suggestions
twitter.com##[aria-label="Timeline: Conversation"] [data-testid="cellInnerDiv"] h2:has-text(/^(Discover more|More Tweets)$/):upward([data-testid="cellInnerDiv"])
twitter.com##[aria-label="Timeline: Conversation"] [data-testid="cellInnerDiv"] h2:has-text(/^(Discover more|More Tweets)$/):upward([data-testid="cellInnerDiv"])~div

The reddit post, not tweet lol: https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/13twvuu/comment/jmg78ak/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

Github Page: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Dashboard:-My-filters

00:00 - Introduction talking about why I block it on the browser not platform.
01:00 - Creating the rule to hide tweets that contain words
02:00 - Discovering we didn't filter words, but strings. So "the" would block "therefore", since the is a substring.
02:59 - Making it case insensitive
03:30 - Showing where the data-testid came from
04:20 - Showing some more filters, showing the reddit post not tweet (lol)

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