Healthcare breach costs soar requiring new thinking for safeguarding data

In the digital age, data is often referred to as the new oil. Its value lies in the insights it can yield, particularly when it comes to healthcare, where data can help detect diseases, predict patient outcomes and help health professionals personalize treatments. But with the increasing digitization of sensitive health information, there are legitimate concerns about privacy and security. Healthcare organizations manage growing amounts of digital patient data that help ensure the information is available to caregivers across various organizations, but that data is always in great peril. Cyber attackers are after health records, PHI, the platforms that process data and healthcare organizations themselves, gaining leverage with data theft and disruptive ransomware attacks, to name a few.

Keeping data confidential can be achieved with different types of encryption. However, each encryption scheme can be suitable in certain scenarios and less so in others. When it comes to health information, there is a necessity to exchange data with external parties, where they would have to access the data and also perform analyses on it so that the desired insights can be shared. How can we ensure that patient data remains confidential when it’s sent to third-party service providers for analysis?

One potential solution lies in homomorphic encryption (HE). This post will take a closer look at what HE is, and how it can be used to help better secure healthcare data in today’s increasing demand for scale and advanced analytics.

What is homomorphic encryption?

Homomorphic encryption is a cryptographic method that allows computations to be performed on encrypted data without needing to decrypt it first. In other words, HE enables third-party service providers to process encrypted data and return the encrypted result, without ever seeing the sensitive data in its ..

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