Hackers Can Use Telegram to Reveal Users’ Exact Locations | Avast

Hackers Can Use Telegram to Reveal Users’ Exact Locations | Avast
Avast Security News Team, 8 January 2021

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A researcher named Ahmed Hassan has found what could be considered a security problem for users of the messenger app Telegram.
The vulnerability lies in the People Nearby feature, which shows users the proximity of other local users. Hassan first noted that it is common practice for scammers to spoof a location, which fools Telegram servers, in order to join a group of users to peddle fake bitcoin investments and other such scams. He then used readily available hacking tools to spoof three locations in one area. Using all three spoofed locations to triangulate the location of a local user in the People Nearby feature, he was able to find the precise location of that user. “This security problem enables an attacker to locate any Telegram user,” commented Avast Security Evangelist Luis Corrons. “While it is true that the People Nearby option is turned off by default, if Telegram disregards this issue, it shows that privacy is not really a priority for them.” For more on this story, see the article in Ars Technica
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