Google Takeout a bit too true to its name after potentially 1000s of private videos shared with complete strangers

Google Takeout a bit too true to its name after potentially 1000s of private videos shared with complete strangers

1% of 1% of users affected, but as it's Google that's still in the six figures

A bug in Google's Photo software caused potentially 100,000 or more netizens to have their personal videos exposed to complete strangers last Thanksgiving.

The Chocolate Factory this week began notifying punters that a bug in its data-archiving tool Takeout was to blame for some accounts having their private videos shared with total strangers.

"Unfortunately, during this time some videos in Google Photos were incorrectly exported to unrelated users archives," Google told folks in an email. "One or more videos in your Google Photos account was affected by this issue."

The Mountain View ads slinger claimed the issue only impacted a small portion of users, about 0.01 per cent. But when you operate on the size of Google, ..

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