Get your head in the cloud(s)

Get your head in the cloud(s)

Many organizations are in the midst of adopting the cloud faster than ever before; it’s arguably mission critical for their success and longevity. Just look at initiatives like digital transformation or even the digital twin which aims to bridge the gap between the physical and the digital by leveraging IoT. Organizations are realizing the endless possibilities that the cloud provides — such as optimization of their processes, data accessibility, and unlocked collaboration & innovation. By definition, the cloud enables integrated data continuity, and by 2025, the world will store 200 zettabytes of data, according to Cybersecurity Ventures. A huge percentage of that data will be in the cloud.

However, the promise of the cloud isn’t just lucrative for companies, it opens up new opportunities for attackers. Many threats that impact a cloud environment are not contained there. They can either originate elsewhere or start in the cloud, but can move depending on the motive of the attacker. As organizations continue to go beyond on-prem, security teams need support.

Enter, automation.

The resource and bandwidth constraints that teams face have been well documented across the industry, so we won’t rehash that here. But it is important to emphasize it when it pertains to priorities around cloud security. In order to stay ahead of evolving threats, security teams need to prioritize cloud detection and response. Automation is a means to do just that.

Automation provides a way to cut down the time it would take to address malicious activity, especially when compared to a manual approach. It can also enable more effective and efficient communication with important stakeholders who may have a hand to play in alert validati ..

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