GCHQ's infosec arm has 3 simple tips to secure those insecure smart home gadgets

GCHQ's infosec arm has 3 simple tips to secure those insecure smart home gadgets

UK.gov tries the KISS approach to infosec advice for the public

Britain's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) wants owners of baby monitors and smart CCTV cameras to take some basic security precautions.

The GCHQ-owned infosec arm of government today published what it hopes is simple guidance that can be followed by ordinary people who haven't got time to immerse themselves in the technobabble-laden doom and gloom of the cybersecurity world.

Dr Ian Levy, the NCSC's technical director, said in a canned statement: "Smart technology such as cameras and baby monitors are fantastic innovations with real benefits for people, but without the right security measures in place they can be vulnerable to cyber attackers."

Those security measures boil down to three steps in GCHQ's own words, which we reproduce here in full:

  • If your camera comes with a default ..

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