Game over, LAN, game over! Windows software nasty Emotet spotted spreading via brute-forced Wi-Fi networks

Game over, LAN, game over! Windows software nasty Emotet spotted spreading via brute-forced Wi-Fi networks

And shares with guessable passwords

A new variant of the notorious Emotet Windows malware is able to spread wirelessly by brute-forcing Wi-Fi network passwords and scanning for shared drives to infect.

The wormification of the trojan attack was detected by researchers at Binary Defense, who this month reported that the technique may have been going on undetected for as long as two years before its discovery in January, judging by timestamps in the code.

"With this newly discovered loader-type used by Emotet, a new threat vector is introduced to Emotet’s capabilities," Binary Defense explained in its deep-dive examination of the software nasty.

"Previously thought to only spread through malspam and infected networks, Emotet can use this loader-type to spread through nearby wireless networks if the networks use insecure pa ..

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