Employee Stress & Insider Threats: How to Mitigate Risk from a Security & HR Standpoint

Employee Stress & Insider Threats: How to Mitigate Risk from a Security & HR Standpoint

April is Stress Awareness Month. It’s been recognized as such since 1992, but given the events of the past few years, it’s critical to spread awareness now more than ever—and not only during the month of April.

Stress impacts people in various ways and it elicits different responses from individuals. Just think—during the Stone Age, cavemen used to exhibit a fight or flight response when face-to-face with a wild animal, which was probably an every day occurrence. Today, stress is caused by a variety of factors. It can come from small instances, like struggling to get young children to bed on time, or larger circumstances, like uncertainty resulting from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Regardless of what causes stress today, employers need to acknowledge the human element at play here and the impact on their businesses. From both a security and human capital standpoint. Only by creating this awareness and pinpointing the signs and behaviors of stress amongst team members can IT teams and business leaders effectively help to protect their organization and support their team.

Here’s what employers need to know to mitigate this risk so that it does not turn into a threat to their business.

Stress & Cyber SecurityWhen people are stressed, they often don’t act like themselves. This distracts them from going about their work as diligently as normal, introducing security gaps caused by unintentional negligence. Examples include opening phishing emails and clicking links, leaving laptops logged in while away from their screen in a public setting, or sending files externally to the wrong ..

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