Earths most destructive computer virus Berkeley Squares

Earths most destructive computer virus Berkeley Squares

It doesn’t take much thought to imagine the possibility of a virus which could change the internet as we know it. Similar incidents have occurred in the past, albeit on a smaller scale, which show that this could be possible. For example the “WannaCry” ransomware attack which occurred in May 2017 or the “mydoom” worm which run wild during 2004, and functioned through sending junk email from infected computers to the attacked computer. The worm appears to show an email transmission error and has an attachment of itself. If the user clicks on it, it immediately sends itself to all the emails in the user’s address book. The program spread incredibly quickly, infecting around 2,000,000 computers and caused approximately $38 billion in damages, also apparently slowing down the entire internet by 10% on the day of release. The program contained a line:

“andy; i’m just doing my job, nothing personal, sorry”

which lead investigators to believe the worm’s creator was paid. It is still believed that the program originated in Russia. However, the original source and programmer have never been discovered. This shows the severe consequences a comparatively simple program can cause without even any repercussions for the author of such a virus.

Despite the fact that this particular virus was created a comparatively long time ago in the world of computers, the concept that files are able to be so easily spread is still a cause for concern. There is a theory known as “Six degrees of separation” which is the idea that all people on average are si ..

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