Digital Footprint Intelligence Report

Digital Footprint Intelligence Report


The Digital Footprint Intelligence Service announces the results of research on the digital footprints of governmental, financial and industrial organizations for countries in the Middle East region: Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, UAE, Yemen. The data presented in this report was collected through Kaspersky’s own threat research and analysis mechanism and various other open sources during Q3 2020. The exceptions are Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for which only open source data was used. Official entities can request the more detailed results of subsequent research and analysis via [email protected].

The service is designed to provide customers with an analysis of their footprint in open networks and an overview of the opportunities presented to adversaries. Assessing a company’s assets from the perspective of an attacker and their possible intentions and potential opportunities were among the key considerations for cyberthreat intelligence analysts when compiling this report.

Sources of intelligence

Scope of report

There are many organizations that belong to the three key verticals – governmental, financial and industrial – across the Middle East region, but this report focuses on critical organizations with vulnerabilities.

Distribution of vulnerable IP addresses by percentage

Share of vulnerabilities by country in the Middle East region

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