Des usines Honda cyberbloquées et une société italienne cesse d’aider les cyber-gangs #veille #cybersécurité (14 juin 2020)

Des usines Honda cyberbloquées et une société italienne cesse d’aider les cyber-gangs #veille #cybersécurité (14 juin 2020)

Voici le rapport de veille de la semaine faisant le tour des actualités les plus intéressantes. Vous retrouverez un développement de certaines d’entre elles dans les prochains articles. Bonne lecture et belle semaine à vous !

Pour m'offrir un café en échange du travail de veille réalisé gratuitement

Vol / perte de données

Austria’s largest ISP A1 Telekom discloses security breach

A1 Telekom Austria is the leading fixed and mobile network operator in Austria, with 5.4 million mobile and 2.3 million fixed-line customers. The company has admitted having suffered a security breach after the revelation of a whistleblower named Libertas. Libertas informed the local blogger Christian Haschek and a journalist from about the A1 hack.

Cyber-attaques / fraudes

The cybersecurity firm Malwarebytes and other analysts said that the tool used in the attack was most likely a relatively new variety of ransomware meant to disrupt industrial systems, in addition to the standard practice of encrypting files.

IC3 Releases Alert on Mobile Banking Apps

The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) has released an alert warning consumers of cyber risks associated with mobile banking apps. As more consumers rely on mobile apps for banking, malicious cyber actors are likely to increasingly target them with app-based banking Trojans and fake banking apps.

As more consumers rely on mobile apps for banking, malicious cyber actors are likely to increasingly target them with app-based banking Trojans and fake banking apps.

City of Florence to Pay $300,000 ..

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