Dark Web: Hackers launch Coronavirus sale to sell hacking tools

Dark Web: Hackers launch Coronavirus sale to sell hacking tools

Another day, another Coronavirus related scam, thanks to opportunistic cybercriminals. 

Amidst all the panic that has gripped every country due to the Coronavirus, we couldn’t possibly imagine people taking advantage of the vulnerabilities of others. Turns out though that this is untrue.

Amongst corporations inflating the prices of basic commodities and individuals hoarding household items, we have a specific group of cybercriminals that are knee bent on scamming unsuspecting users in a number of ways.

Discovered by researchers at Check Point; cybercriminals are offering special discount codes titled “COVID-19” or “Coronavirus” on their malicious tools so that potential attackers could be more inclined to buy them in these difficult times.

See: On Dark Web, Your Facebook ID is worth $5.20 & Gmail ID just $1

This inclination may come as a result of getting these goodies cheaply than one would in normal times, especially for those who may find themselves with a lot of free time due to the lockdowns. These sellers are advertising in different chatrooms to spread the word among potential buyers.

For example:

An example of one such chatroom: Check Point

NativeOne Products, the seller, in this case, is offering tools that can be used to bypass email services like Gmail and
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