Cybercrooks attempted credential-stuffing banks 3.5 BEEELLION times in the last 18 months alone

Cybercrooks attempted credential-stuffing banks 3.5 BEEELLION times in the last 18 months alone

All going just as you'd expect, reckons Akamai

Content delivery network Akamai Technologies reckons that despite the time and effort spent convincing people not to fall for phishing and other frauds, the bigger threat might actually be credential-stuffing attacks.

In the latest edition of its State of the Internet Report (PDF), Akamai said it picked up around 3.5 billion cred-stuffing attempts over the past 18 months. Worryingly, half of those attacks targeted the financial services sector alone.

Credential stuffing is more or less a synonym for brute-forcing access into a passworded system, except using previously breached login credentials rather than a rainbow table or some other setup of commonly reused username/password combinations.

Virtually all (94 per cent) of the attacks on financial institutions used just four techniques: ..

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