Cyber threats to sports organisations

Cyber threats to sports organisations

Like so many other organisations, sports bodies rely heavily on having adequate IT and technology services to manage and operate their functions.

Such services are used, amongst other purposes, to collect and use key player statistics, operation of security systems at sporting venues as well as to help engage with fan interactions.

Owing to the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, sports organisations are becoming increasing more dependent on the use of digital and technological services in order to continue reaching out to their fans, sponsors interaction, as well internal communication between staff members, players and coaches alike.

Given the fact that the sports industry is seen as being a financially powerful industry, such industry is more susceptible than others to falling foul of a cyber-attack.

As a result of this threat, cyber security is of an ever-increasing importance to sports organisations, since losing access to data, IT or technology can have a catastrophic impact on such organisation.

Unfortunately, cyber-attacks against sports organisations are on the rise, with a recent National Cyber Security Centre (UK) report finding that 70 per cent of sports organisations surveyed within the United Kingdom alone reportedly experience at least one cyber-attack a year.

Sport is heavily reliant on digital technology.

Sport clubs and organisations hold a significant amount of sensitive personal data and process millions of financial transactions every year, mostly online via the sale of match day tickets, club merchandise as well as bookings for corporate events and stadium tours.

One also finds sports organisations who own and operate large sporting venues which are rigged up to a complex digital network that control turnstiles, security cameras and storage of such footage, point of sale equipment as well as ..

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